Will I need a referral?

No referral is necessary to see a physio.

When are you open?

The clinic is open Tuesday – Saturday with after hours appointments available. You can be treated at a time that suits you.

What should I bring?

Bring any previous investigations, X-ray results and correspondence from treating practitioners.

What should I wear?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing, or bring a pair of shorts to change into. Every effort is made to treat you while you are clothed, or appropriately draped with a towel, to maintain your dignity.

What can I expect at the first appointment?

We will discuss the nature and cause of the issue or injury and how it affects or restricts your daily living.

I will assess joint movement, muscle strength and overall tone of the soft tissue. We will discuss treatment goals, expectations and time frames.

How long are appointments?

Initial appointment: 30 minutes
Please arrive 5 minutes early to complete the registration form or fill it out online within the Make a Booking page.

Subsequent appointment: 30 minutes  |  Acupuncture appointment: 30–45 minutes  |  Clinical Pilates appointment: 30–45 minutes

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments will depend on the nature and severity of the issue or injury and how long you have had it.

Some issues or injuries, such as an acute muscle strain, can be treated in one or two appointments. Some issues or injuries, such as chronic tendonitis, can take up to 12 treatments to resolve. We will discuss how many treatments you may need at the first appointment and reassess your progress during subsequent treatments.

Can physios provide referrals for X-rays and investigations?

Yes, we can refer for X-rays and a limited number of other investigations.

Can I use my Medicare Enhanced Primary Care scheme?


Can I claim back from Workcover / TAC?

Yes, consultation fees must be paid on the day of the appointment and you may claim this back from your employer / TAC insurer.