Neck Pain can be a debilitating health problem. Your head is heavy and balanced on a narrow support made up of seven bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae are separated from each other by discs, stabilised by joints and ligaments and moved by muscles.
As the neck is so mobile and the joints are smaller than in the lower spine, it can easily be damaged causing discomfort and reduced movement.
Neck pain in particular, can present in many forms.
Pain may be immediate or there may be a slow onset where the pain gradually increases over several days or weeks. It may present as a pain or deep ache of the neck, shoulder or arm. There may be burning or tingling of the arm and hand or it may be that you suffer headaches. Pain may be continuous, or only occur when you are in a certain position. Stiffness of the neck and shoulder muscles along with reduced range of motion of the neck is also common. All of this is normal and treatable.
Bad posture is a common cause of neck pain. This is because the ligaments are over-stretched, muscles become tired and the neck joints and nerves are put under pressure.
Slouching your shoulders with your head pushed forward, sleeping with your head in an awkward position or working with your head down for long periods will all tend to cause or worsen your pain.
If you are experiencing neck pain, it is important that you have your condition assessed by a Physiotherapist. We can work out the reason for your pain and treat it appropriately. ☞ MAKE A BOOKING
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